Old gay men

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Members Value Respect and IntegrityĬasey said one of the priorities when Daddyhunt first launched was creating a code for all members to follow. Today, more than 4 million singles have signed up to find the types of relationships they desire through the Daddyhunt online platform and mobile app to find the types of relationships they desire. “The core mission was to celebrate older gay men and create a healthy online experience for them,” said Casey Crawford, Daddyhunt General Manager. That’s why they often turn to Daddyhunt, a platform that connects younger gay men with more mature counterparts.ĭaddyhunt’s founders understood how difficult it can be to bring gay men from different generations together, so they set out to change that dynamic 15 years ago.

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Many older gay men understand that online dating platforms are popular and effective, but some sites may not offer the types of relationships they seek. Daddyhunt helps older gay men find younger partners online.

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